Q. Can I cancel my order?
You may be able to cancel an order within 24 hours of placing it. An order cannot be cancelled once it has been scheduled to dispatch. If you still have time to cancel your order, sign into your account and look at your last order and click the button next to it which says ‘Cancel Order’. The status will change to 'Cancelled' and you will receive a confirmation via email. We will deduct 4% of the transaction value if the order including PRE-ORDERS is cancelled by the customer for any reason.
If you cancel your order, it can take up between 2 to 10 days for your bank or card issuer to make your funds available to you again.
You can also contact our Customer Care team to cancel your order.
Q. Can I amend my order?
We are able to amend parts of your order, i-e; add/remove items, change delivery address except payment method. Please note that delivery address can be changed only if the order has not yet been dispatched, please contact us for a change of delivery address request.
Q. What does it mean if my order status is showing as ‘processing’ or ‘pending’?
If the status of your order is showing as 'processing', it means that we're busy getting your order ready to be sent out. Pending order status refers to pending payment via bank transfer. Orders paid for via bank transfer will be released once payment has been confirmed.
You'll receive another email when we send your order to you, which will include tracking details if your order has been sent with trace able delivery service.
Q. I have changed my mind about the order. Can I still return it?
Most of the items can be returned if you have changed your mind. The item must be dispatched within 30 days of receiving and it should be unopened, unused with its original packaging.
Q. What should I do if I want to return or exchange an item?
If you would like to return your product, please email us at [email protected] or call our customer services centre. Our staff will provide you with all the guidelines to proceed with the return. Please do not return any goods without bringing it into our knowledge; otherwise we will not be liable for any refunds or loss. Please provide us with the relevant order number and whether you want a refund or exchange. We are unable to offer a refund or exchange without these details. On all change of mind returns, shipping costs will not be refunded and a restocking fee will be levied.
Q. I have received damaged/faulty items. What to do?
You have 15 days to notify us in case your item arrives damaged or faulty. Please send an email to [email protected]. You may be required to send us the images of the damage for further assessment. Our customer service centre will contact you to proceed with the return process after proper assessment of the matter. We will try to arrange a replacement for the whole item for you. If a replacement is not available, we will issue a credit note for future purchase or a refund, whichever suits you.
Q. Have you received my returned items?
Upon receipt of items, our warehouse staff will inspect the goods to make sure they are unused and in their original packing, and if so, we will fully refund you the amount you paid for the product(s) less the shipping costs. We may charge upto 50% of the total money in case the product has been used or opened.
We may refuse to accept the returns if the product is washed or in a very poor condition.
In the unlikely event that you have not received an email confirmation within 10 working days of returning your items, contact our Customer Care Team and we will get back to you within 8 hours.
Q. What is your International Returns Policy?
You can return any item for a refund, within 28 days of receiving your original order. Shipping costs will not be included in the refund. All items will be returned on the shippers expense.
If you want it replaced for different items, please contact our helpful Customer Service Team.
We will refund the price you purchased your item at. This includes sale items. However, during some exclusive offers returns or exchanges may not be allowed. We will clearly mention in the Terms and Conditions of any such promotions.
All goods will be inspected on return.
The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure they are properly packed and don’t get damaged on the way!
All returned items should be new/unused and wrapped up in original packing. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you.
We are not responsible for any items that are returned to us by mistake. Re-shipping charges will need to be paid.
Make sure you use a postal service that insures you for the value of the items you are returning or obtain proof of posting.
Q. How can I pay for my order?
You can use any of the following methods listed below
We accept credit/debit card payments through paypal only since it is the most secure and reliable gateway. Please note you do not require a paypal account to pay with your credit/debit card via paypal.
Q. Can I place an order over the telephone or through online chat?
We cannot accept payment over the phone including credit/debit card details. You may be able to provide other details in some cases.
Q. When will I get charged for my purchase?
Once your card is authorised, payment will be taken immediately and you will receive a confirmation email from us regarding the completion of your order.
If your card has not been authorised, no funds will be taken and you will be notified via an email regarding the failed payment. Please contact us for more details about failed payments.
Please note that even if a payment has been unsuccessful, your card issuer may reserve the money for a short period of time. If you have any further questions, please contact our customer support team on [email protected] and we will be happy to answer any queries you might have.
Q. What should I do if my payment has been declined?
Please take the following steps:
Q. Do I have to pay custom duties or any other import charges?
If you are not an Australian customer, any customs or import duties mayl be levied once your parcel depending on the policy and regulation of your home country. These charges must be paid by the customer (this also applies on retail and wholesale customers).
Since the customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country, we can not specify what these charges could be and neither do we have any control over its imposition.
We recommend you to check with your local customs office for current charges before placing your order with Rushk.
Q. How can I use a promotional code?
You can enter the promo/discount code in the box within the shopping cart section.
Only ONE discount/promo code can be used per order.
Promotional codes are not applicable on furniture, rugs and bulky items.
Q. How can I get the $10 discount by signing up for the Rushk Newsletter?
After successfully signing up for the Rushk Newsletter, you can enter the coupon code on the shopping cart page. Please note, the newsletter signup discount is applicable on your first order of $150 or above. This discount is not available for repeat customers and international orders.